Ghost of Tsushima 2, now known as Ghost of Yotei, is set for a 2025 release, introducing a new protagonist and setting over 300 years after the original. The game, built specifically for PlayStation 5, promises a fresh narrative approach, exploring the "Ghost" as a symbolic figure across different historical periods, paving the way for a potential anthology series.
The *Star Wars Jedi* series is set to conclude with its third and final game, as announced by EA President Laura Miele. Currently in development by Respawn Entertainment, the game's release date and details remain undisclosed, with more information anticipated closer to launch.
Project Borealis, a fan sequel to Half-Life 2, revives the unfinished storyline from Episode Two, drawing on elements from scrapped plans for Episode Three. After two years of silence, the developers released a teaser for its prologue, hinting at a Fall 2024 release and continuing the adventures of Gordon and Alyx as they uncover the mysteries of the Aperture Science ship, the Borealis.