Mastering the Art of Bug Catching in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Mastering Bug Catching in Animal Crossing: New Horizons: Tips and Techniques for Success

In the world of Animal Crossing: New Horizons, strategically enhancing your museum collection often involves a bit of cunning, especially when attempting to capture some of the island’s more elusive creatures. While New Horizons is generally a warm and inviting experience for newcomers, the game leaves several key mechanics unexplained, leading to confusion among players unfamiliar with its intricacies. Similar to maximizing the yield of minerals from rocks, catching quick-moving insects can be a source of frustration if one misses the brief tutorial on the technique.

A video posted on Reddit by user No_Law6676 illustrates this frustration, showing their attempt to catch a beetle that escapes when they approach too closely. This prompted the community to offer some valuable advice.

Though slightly tilting the analog stick does slow down the character, it doesn’t equate to sneaking. To truly stalk a target, one must hold down the A button while moving. As expected from such a supportive community, other players were eager to share their knowledge, even offering additional tips not covered by the game.

The Optimal Approach to Bug Catching in AC:NH

It’s More Than Just Swinging a Net

In New Horizons, capturing timid insects requires holding the net steady with the A button, a crucial step in the process, but achieving even greater stealth is possible. By holding the A button and slightly tilting the left stick, the character moves at an even slower pace, rendering them nearly invisible and allowing them to sneak up on any insect. If this feels too slow, observing the insect’s behavior can reveal if it intends to flee.

As you approach a bug, pay attention to its movements. If it stops, this indicates the insect is aware of your presence, increasing the likelihood of it flying away. In such cases, it’s advisable to halt movement and remain still, allowing the insect to calm down and resume its idle behavior. Once it returns to its normal animation, it’s the perfect moment to close in and swing the net.

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Bug hunting in Animal Crossing: New Horizons can be a challenging task, made slightly more difficult by the isometric camera angle. However, with steady patience and a gentle approach, any insect can be coaxed into the net. Just be sure to capture spiders and scorpions in a single attempt, or else a bit of bed rest might be required.

Source: No_Law6676/Reddit

    Animal Crossing
    March 20, 2020
    Nintendo EPD
    Mei Lin Chen
    Mei Lin Chen
    Articles: 39