The infamous mobile game from 2014, Flappy Bird, is making a comeback with an exciting new installment that promises to deliver even more content to the notoriously frustrating platformer. In the early months of 2014, Flappy Bird became an unavoidable sensation, spreading rapidly through social media and leaving players exasperated by its difficulty. While games like Assassin’s Creed: Unity stirred controversy and Five Nights at Freddy’s cultivated a dedicated fan base, Flappy Bird arguably left the most significant mark on the gaming landscape that year.
According to X (formerly Twitter), The Flappy Bird Foundation Group, a passionate collective of fans, has successfully acquired the trademark from the original creator, Dong Nguyen. Nguyen had removed the game from stores just a few months after its initial release in 2014.
The reimagined Flappy Bird is set to launch as a web browser game by the end of October, with a mobile version expected in 2025. This new edition will retain the challenging platforming elements while introducing several innovative features, aligning it with contemporary mobile gaming trends.
What’s New in Flappy Bird?
A Cast of New Characters
The Flappy Bird Foundation Group has yet to fully disclose the enhancements and updates for the new Flappy Bird. However, the game’s trailer offers a glimpse of what’s to come. Players will be able to unlock a variety of new characters as they progress, though it’s unclear whether these characters offer gameplay advantages or merely serve as cosmetic changes. Additionally, the game will feature a world map showcasing new locations, replacing the iconic green pipes with fresh visual themes.
Flappy Bird, while not the most intricate game, captivated the mainstream market with its simple yet demanding gameplay. Although the fundamental mechanics remain mostly intact, it’s evident that some elements are being expanded. One scene in the trailer hints at a new loot-box-style egg that players can open to win prizes.
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Whether the mobile gaming community will embrace Flappy Bird’s return is yet to be determined. Over the past decade, mobile devices have evolved, now capable of running AAA titles like Resident Evil: Village. Despite major publishers striving to bring high-quality gaming to phones, the quick, accessible nature of Flappy Bird might still appeal to audiences.
Source: Flappy Bird/X